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Skjermbilde 2018-09-05 kl. 18.46.25.png


Sali Muller is a young, up-and-coming sculptor who primarily focuses on installations. Her conceptual art investigates the role of the individual in relation to the self and the environment and addresses issues of how people have alienated themselves from nature and their own self-image. Salli treats the contemporary obsession with the transparency of all private processes with skepticism and irony – like self-revelations that run rampant on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. 





In her series Blackout, the viewers are placed in front of a reflecting surface that is almost completely wrapped in black foil. Only leaving a slight spot of clear reflection the mirror in its’s entirety reflects a fragmented reflection.

Skjermbilde 2018-09-05 kl. 18.46.40.png
Skjermbilde 2018-09-05 kl. 18.46.51.png
Skjermbilde 2018-09-05 kl. 18.46.25.png

Das verschwinden von der bildfläche


As time goes by, the installation Das Verschwinden von der Bildfläche goes through substantial changes, just like human beings. During the continuous disassembly into elementary parts, the artwork is taken apart, losing its original shape and purpose. The presence, or substance, is reduced to a minimum through the destruction until only the spiritual existence remains.

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