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Silvia Conde is an art director and photographer. Her work draws you in, as she creates a calm atmosphere even when her motives are dynamic and colorful. Her images of landscapes are mesmerizing and otherworldly and she captures moments that makes you curious about their origin. 



Can you tell me a bit about yourself?


I was born and raised in Barcelona. Seven years ago, when I finished my BA studies in Advertising and Art Direction, I moved to Berlin. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. I was interested in photography when I started that degree, and I attended a semester-course of Black and White Analog Photography and Development - that’s how I fell in love with this art. I kept taking photos during those years, until I at some point realized that I needed to learn more. I applied for the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin and got in. In the beginning I was highly motivated, but after finishing the second year, I left. It was not what I had expected. Fortunately, I’ve been working as a freelance photographer ever since. 


You seem to be drawn both to nature and fashion, what triggers your fascination with these subjects?


Nature inspires me so much. I would say it’s my main source of inspiration. It has an enormous power and it heals me. Living in a city like Berlin is fascinating, but I need nature in my life. I like to travel to isolated corners of the World and appreciate their loneliness. There are still places on this planet that haven’t been exploited that much, or places where no one understands standard English. I love that feeling. Fashion is something else. It can be more creative that other sorts of photography. That’s why I enjoy it.


What is your usual working process, from idea to execution?


I usually come up with the concept of a project first. Whenever it's possible, I like to work with other creatives too. I meet with them and see if maybe more ideas come up when we talk about it together. That can enrich a concept greatly. I’m not a big fan of moodboards, but sometimes I use them to visualize the idea. Some clients need that. Then there’s the production and the post-production work, which usually involves many hours of development, scanning and editing. But, in the end, it's all worth it.

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